Do you have items in your sales catalog that need to be seen or heard to really make them sell? My catalog includes a lot of high-tech construction equipment that does some pretty amazing things I like, but a two-dimensional view of that equipment really doesn’t demonstrate those capabilities. In any good sales presentation, it is always better to show instead of telling. The challenge I faced was coming up with a way to show the unique attributes of my products in a catalog, but in a way that my customers could see how amazing they are. That’s impossible, right? Not with digital flipping book software. Increased sales = increased bottom line. Flipping book software can make a page of your catalog come alive, increasing your sales and increase your bottom line. Besides the feeling of actually flipping through the pages of a digital catalog, which is sort of cool, you can add enhanced photos, videos, user-friendly flipbooks for your mobile, and audio to the pages of your digital catalog. Your customers can get a really good look at what your products actually do, not just what you say about them. Better yet, it’s easy to do. Just let your pdf documents page flip with a stylish flash page-flipping effect or flash page flip effect.
How does flipping book software work for a flipping book publisher?
You may or may not have heard about a digital flipbook publisher software until I started doing some research, I hadn’t either. In essence, the software takes the pdf catalog that you create and converts it into the page-flipping book format. Once you’ve done that, you can edit your magazine by adding the necessary attributes that make it come alive. It’s fast and easy as pointing and clicking. The best solution for a flipping book publisher, it’s also FREE.
How does that suit your bottom line?
Create your PDF you’ve probably created your catalog in a pdf page format or converting it to a pdf format once it has been created. Just in case you’re still creating it in a word processor, don’t panic. Most word processing applications will allow you to export your files in the flip pdf format. In any case, just create your catalogs foundation that included the photos and text that they usually have and convert them to pdf.
Convert your pdf to flipbook format
Flipbook software takes care of that process for you and it really can’t be easier. You either upload the pdf catalog file that you just created or just drag and drop it into the application. Right in front of your eyes is a version of your catalog that looks just like the catalogs that you grew up flipping through with your granddad.
The best attributes are yet to come for publishers. How you add the enhanced photos, audio, and video features to your magazine, depends upon the application that you use. In general, they are very similar and all make use of point and click editing.
Joomag Features – a page flip software for flip bookmaker
One of the first flipping book applications that I discovered in my research was Joomag. It’s easy to give it a try for a page flip. At top of the very first page when you open the site, is a place to upload your pdf file and start getting your feet wet. A few minutes after uploading your file, your first flipbook animation will pop up in the editor and you’re ready to publish your digital magazine.
From that point forward, you take control of what happens. The free option of Joomag allows you to take advantage of a number of active functions that are useful for publishers.
Some of the most common functions are:
• Publication hosting for pdf publisher
• Magazine distribution with a flip effect
• Search engine optimization
• Integrating into your blog and social media sites
• Selling your publication
• Print on demand for those who need to flip a physical page
• Support team + faq help document
Print on demand for those who need to flip physical pages. With my catalog uploaded and converted into a free flipping book, I was able to start adding the special features that I needed for making my products come alive with the flip page effect. With the Crater editor, you identify the location where you want to add an enhanced photo, embed a video, add a hyperlink, add a slideshow or embed an audio file. Next, you click on the sidebar icon for the feature you want and drop it onto your page.
It’s even easier than creating a PowerPoint presentation. Software for working offline. There are also downloadable options that can be used on your desktop, one of those is Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro. It functions similarly to Joomag but gives you the added convenience of being able to work offline.
One of the great features of Flipbook Maker Pro for book pdf publishers is the ability to create your flipping book not only from pdf files, but also from Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and many other supported software formats. That eliminates a step for you and, bingo, we’re back to increasing your bottom line. Flipbook Maker Pro features the free download, obviously, limits some of the functions, but you can still get a pretty good idea of how it works.
Below are just a few of the many features available for offline use:
• Project Manager to organize your publications
• Importing of files of various types
• FTP uploader
• Real-time previews of your publication
• Flexible output formats
• Available on your mobile phone
• Customized or pre-designed templates
• Download your flash books or pages
• Support team
Increasing your bottom line is why you’re in business and what will keep you in business. To do that, you’ve got to show your products to your customers rather than just tell them about them. With Joomag, Flipbook Maker Pro, or any one of the numerous options available for creating your flipping book catalog, you can do just that. Give flipping book software a try. It’s easy to use, makes a great deal of sense and many of the most common options are available for FREE and offer a support team if you have any issues. If you have questions or comments regarding this article, please don’t hesitate to add them below.